09 March 2010

Flippin Wal-Mart

Sooooo. today was kind of a blah day.


I have to be at school at 9:00 to catch the bus to TC...

TELL ME WHY i woke up to look at the clock that read, 8:55 am.....

THEN i had to sit through that stupid ignorant class, which always puts me in a bad mood.
When we got back to school, it seemed to go by SO slow. I wanted to die.

and yesterday, I went to the bank to get 78 out of 100 and deposit the rest.... can someone please tell me why Nathan had to go back to that tellers window THREE times to finally get it straight?..... If someone has to go to your teller window that many times in a row, your life is FAIL and you need to go work at Dollar General. :)

Anyways. I got one of my scholarship essays out of the way :)


I had to work after school. Today at Medicine Chest. I love working there, but today was SO hectic and busy :(
Luckily, the family night thing that me and Aja were suppose to sell yearbooks at tonight was actually last night so we ended up not having to do it. haha

Mother and I went to China Buffet and ate :) It was quite pleasing. :)

I got to see JAC tonight. :D He always makes my day better:)

I had to go to WalMart to get some replacement blades for my razor, and of course our rinky dink P.O.S. wm didnt have the ones I needed so I had to buy a WHOLE NEW razor. EFF YOU WALMART!!
While I was there, I also realized how ugly the fish are that WM is trying to sell....They use to have pretty ones but now they have Orange, Black, or Silver.


I'm realizing lately that my friends are pretty much my life. It would suck without them. :)

Shout out to:
-Babymama (Ivory)
-Bob (Bobbi)
-Gucci (Aja)
-Boogie (Hugo)
-Jfly (Jonathan)
-Ally (Alejandra)
-Ryyy (Ryan)
-Adre (Andreana)
-ONAE (Annie)
and I am for CERTAIN that there are tons more but these are the ones that I pulled off the top of my head. :)

Todays Video/Song of the day is:

How Low by Ludacris

I love the little chipmunk voice in it. haha

Quote of the day:

(beginning of class)
Dr. Dyer: Your research paper is due on March 30. but you can have 10 extra points if you turn it in by March 11.

Nathan: I should probably get started on that paper.

All of class time to be used on writing the paper passes by

(end of class)
Dr. Dyer: Don't forget your paper for extra points is due Thursday

Nathan: I should probably get started on that paper.

LMAO... oh procrastination, why dost thou haunt me? :D

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