08 March 2010

FTW and everything else.

okay, so today was alright.

school went by kinda fast, which I'm not complaining about. lol

i had to work at subway tonight...which i was dreading but it wasn't that bad. I got to work with brittany and heather. :)

even though i had to do the dishes from about 6 to close (9:30)...RIDICULOUS!

the home life is shitty. I cant wait til i get the hell out of here. Im pretty sure if it wasnt for my grandma, cousins, and JAC, i would never return to Rockdale after graduation.

I have also realized how much I have changed within a year. Im sure most of it had to do with being a senior :)
I noticed how:
1)I use to be self conscious about what I wear and things i do...but NOW...i dont give a shit...comfort is key. lol
2)I use to care about school ... but now...i say Fuck that shit mothafucka. :)
3)Family use to be #1 in my life...but now... i say fuck that shit mothafucka to that too.I think i could count how many people i am going to miss on both of my hands...and i have a huge family. lol....
4)I use to not have many friends....but now.... RHS=BFF. lol. i get along with (almost) everyone soo well. and the teachers ADORE me. haha. but who couldnt ;) lol
like Mr. Reeves said Friday as he turned the corner and saw me in the hall, "and there he is, the pride and joy of Rockdale High."
5) I use to be afraid of getting in trouble at work but now im like...wtf ..who cares..not me..
basically the most that has changed about me is that i dont give a shit. Now that could be a good thing, or that could be a bad thing. but thats the way I am.

Im in a depressed state at the moment, so heres todays song which makes me smile..every once in a while at least, and kinda explains how i feel right now.....

Video/Song of the day: Breakeven by The Script

i did see a funny picture today and it made laugh so here it is..hopefully you will get a kick out of it too....

Goodnight All

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