10 March 2010

Why Can't We Be More Than Friends?

TODAY WAS okay. :)

1/2 Day at school! which meant 45 minutes of college class and then lunch. lmfao

Lunch was FAB! :)

ate at pizza hut with le friends:


Random Mix of ppl. BUT it was great :)

Picked mom up at 1 from work because I had a doctors appt at 2:15

The Dr. looked at my leg and is referring me to a surgeon....hope its nothing too serious

The Dr. also gave me samples of another medication for my High Blood Pressure.

I havent been taking my med because it gives me a headache...but it was ridiculously HIGH. so yeah....lol... its 11:05 pm and I just took it on my machine.....

152/122 pulse 90 NO BUENO!

Quote of the day:

Ivory- "C'mon girl. Click yo heels and go home!" lmfao

all the love for watching The Wizard of Oz in Eco. :)

of course i would be the one to research on the one without a brain....was she tryin to say something? lol

Work was alright tonight. SUBWAY. ugh. interesting event occured. Marie of all people refused someone service. lol..he got loud with her through the speaker and she was NOT havin it.lmao

The Eclipse trailer came out today!! :)

thinkin about doing some of my research paper...but im kinda tired....

out for now:)


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